Grantee Success Stories: Social Welfare Board

#NBCAM Komen Kansas City Grantee:
Social Welfare Board | Success Stories

Social Welfare Board

By Morgan Cimpl, Community Health Intern
Susan G. Komen Greater Kansas City

38-year-old female, K.V. , mother of 4 boys (ages 11, 9, 7 and 5) and a “surprise” baby girl, now 5 months, had been breastfeeding her daughter and developed pain and swelling in the right breast. She was treated for mastitis by her OB for several months with no improvement. It was decided to schedule a mammogram on 9/6/2013. The reading showed a Class 5 mammo. An ultrasound was then scheduled for 9/9/2013. It also read a Class 5. A chest and spine x-ray were also done because of other symptoms. Her OB then called Social Welfare Board and asked if we could see her that same day to get paperwork started for a DCN#. She was seen in our office later that morning, an exam was done and paperwork was completed. By that afternoon she not only had a temporary number, but  full coverage approval that will cover all cost of her treatment and any other medical needs. On 9/12/13 she was scheduled for a consult with a surgeon and had a biopsy done. She returned on 9/13/13 to go over the biopsy results, and was then scheduled for port placement on 9/16/13. In 10 days’ time, this young mom went from having an initial mammogram to a port placement. Sadly she does have metastatic breast cancer and six compression fractures in her thoracic spine. We can only hope for miracles for her and her family. We are proud of how quickly this system works that we have in place in conjunction with Heartland Health. The nurse navigator at Heartland Breast Center will follow her closely, making sure she is well cared for.

Pt. A.H. who is a 53-year-old black female who was full of fun, love and laughter was seen in the GYN clinic. On doing a routine CBE a mass was noticed on the left breast. Her mammogram one-year earlier was normal, and a mammo was scheduled for 2/21/2014. Unfortunately, the resulting impression was Bi-Rads 5, suggestive of malignancy. She was followed up by a sonogram on 2/26/14 which also read a Bi-Rads 5. The nurse navigator at the Breast Center referred her to a surgeon and a biopsy was done on 3/6/2014. A DCN temporary Medicaid number had been obtained so she would have coverage to cover her expenses. Her biopsy showed “Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, mod. Bloom Richardson grade 3”. A.H. has had a port placement in place and has many chemotherapy treatments done. She will soon be ready for surgery, in which she is having a left mastectomy. We are proud of the fact that from her mammogram to her biopsy, it took 13 days. It shows how the continuum of care works between SWB and Heartland Mammography and the Breast Center. All while putting the patient’s needs on top.


Social Welfare Board // Friends of the Free Clinic: A Neighborhood Approach to Prevention // $111,813. The Social Welfare Board provides education and screening for breast cancer. Women will be educated in neighborhood settings such as homes. Additionally, the clinic will perform clinical breast exams and arrange no cost mammograms and diagnostic services. For more on Social Welfare Board please visit

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